I am like Joshua the high priest in that "Now Joshua was dressed in filthy clothes as he stood before the angel." (Zecharia 3:3)
Your humble servant has seen the truth of the world. He has gained knowledge of the mysteries of the universe. And now, he wants to lift the spirit of the chosen people and also of the world. He wants to "turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the
children to their parents; or else God will come and strike the earth with
total destruction." (Malachi 4:6)
The Torah is the middle way. In addition to having the middle wisdom, knowledge, and practices, it also includes the middle (chosen) people that are placed in the middle (navel) of the earth where they have their most holy city in the middle of their land. And their holy temple is in the middle of their holy city.
In this middle way (both physical and spiritual), the true peace will come to the world. This will happen when they are all in their proper places, When they are all one.
I have a group in Facebook that I created in the later part of year
2007. The name of the group is "Torah and Kabbalah of the End of Days".
It contains writings of prophetic insights that supplement what I wrote
in my first book. It also contains lessons of wisdom. I also wrote there a
verse by verse commentary of the first and second dream of Daniel found
in the book of Daniel (I have mentioned about this before in one of the
previous posts). You can look for the date January 9, 2008, which is the
day I posted the two articles in case you want to look for it mainly.
But it is better to read all the posts from the very beginning. You will
learn many things.
My Facebook account, in case you are interested, is https://www.facebook.com/Yehoshua.6
is the number 6 there for? It is the number of letters of my name in
Hebrew. "God is Salvation" has 6 letters. And God will save through the
number 6 which is the letter Vav.
Here is the link of my Facebook group, "Torah and Kabbalah of the End of Days":
have to log-in first to your Facebook account to be able to see my
Facebook group or my profile. You can join the group and let others know
about it. You can let others know about this blog as well. My teachings are
the same as a "golden oil". Not only are they very precious, but they
are also very enlightening.