Thursday, 21 January 2016

On the Statement "Don't Judge"

One of the statements that I often hear is "Don't judge". I sometimes smile when hearing this. Why? This saying is usually said by a person to another person or group of people whom he thinks is/are doing so. The problem with the person's reaction is he was judging also. He could not have said "Don't Judge." if he was not. What he is really telling is don't judge someone or something, which by doing so, would make him uncomfortable. The judging affects him not in a good way, that is why he is telling "Don't judge." It is really about himself. Therefore, it is also the reason why people say this to others but they never mind or even remember this saying when they are judging others.

Who then are the people who are truly worthy of saying "Don't judge"? Do you like to listen and talk about news (especially the celebrity's)? You are not worthy. Do you talk to people behind their backs or gossip about them during your work or at home? You are definitely not worthy either. Since now that it is the time for campaigning for an election (I wrote and posted this somewhere before the time of Canada's election), are you very angry about a certain politician, whom many others in the population esteems so well? You are not worthy either. There are many other activities which could make people as not worthy, but I would not make a long list here. You already have an idea. Who really then is worthy? The person who is worthy of saying "Don't judge." is the person who follows the commandments of God including the one in (Leviticus 19:18) "Love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD." When he is saying "Don't judge.", he is not doing so because he was affected by the judgement in a negative way, but because he loves his neighbor as himself and wants him to also hear the word of God as he did, and so that the neighbor would also be near to God as he did, thereby attaining peace. His saying "Don't judge" is therefore an act of compassion in the form of understanding, which is from above. This same kind of person may not be found out as worthy because he is mostly silent when he should have said "Don't judge." but he is worthy the more.

Now, more about this person who follows the commandments of God. He is not like other people who have developed some kind of counter attack to something that can hurt their feelings, which may be in a form of a general statement they liked that they picked up somewhere or have made up for themselves. What they have is something that enables them to react in certain time. The reaction may enable them to regain full or partial peace of mind or may have no effect to it at all. They still continue to suffer, only time can really help them, and problems always come. They may like to accumulate these kinds of statements and jump from one to another. Most of the time, they forget about them. They therefore will never be at peace. They are always looking at the outside for something to satiate their hunger. It is different from a person who follows the commandments of God and on the right track to spirituality. He has great control of the mind because of it. He is attached to only one, which is God. God to him is like a rock or a strong tower, a perfect defense that ensure peace within, even amidst a rain of arrows. God is the only one he needs and look up to. And God, answers instantly.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Teaching Torah and Kabbalah

Now that I have given the "Key" of unlocking the Torah, all of you should be on your way. By now, all of you should know that it makes sense that the "Key" to wisdom and understanding is found in the Beginning. Why should it be found lost in the middle or the end, right? God does not hide that way. Only men do. The right way always starts in the beginning and ends in the end. The Beginning is the "Key" to all that follows it. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." The Beginning is just a beginning without the fear of the Lord. With the fear of the Lord, there is the Beginning of wisdom, meaning you can read the Bereshit/Genesis with wisdom and understanding. The Beginning, which is also the beginning of wisdom, has always been there, right in front of everybody's eyes. It was hidden, and only those who love the Lord deeply and yearn to know His ways have managed to have some glimpse of understanding of it. All have their time, and it is just its time now that it has been revealed. The contents may appear insignificant to those of low spiritual levels. But to those who have some level of understanding, who have deep longing for God, and who want to know His ways, they have found something that can't be measured in material value.

The two books will be a light that will guide you to deeper understanding of the Torah. With them, you will be able to understand the Torah with the "Heart".

With regards to the Zohar and other works of Kabbalah, you should be able to start understanding them as well. This is provided that you have the same mind state as that of the two books, meaning you fully understand them. And they are not hard to understand. If you have read many written things of the past, you have seen the many mistakes in interpretations (that caused sufferings) that had happened and are still happening. But this time, it is different, the "Key" has been prepared for you. You will know where the mistakes are and you will be able to correct (tikkun) them if they are presently happening.You should take this chance in your present lifetime. Take this chance to progress in leaps and bounds. Don't let such a most valuable or precious thing pass up.

If you have questions or needed some advice regarding your study of Torah and Kabbalah. Or if you want help in understanding a passage or concept in the Zohar or other Kabbalistic texts. You can leave a comment.