This is a compilation of past posts in my Facebook profile. It explains spiritual concepts through Mathematics. I planned back then to use different areas of Mathematics such as Algebra and Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, etc. to explain spirituality but it came to a stop, and I was only able to make these 8 posts. If there is time in the future, I will continue this. And I will also use other fields/subjects such as Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology, etc. After all, true spirituality encompasses all of these. All that you see are under true spirituality. Science and Spirituality should go hand and hand. To advance more into the future, people will have to recognize it as such. They have to see the connection. And this they will.
Just as all the reduced terms in fractions have their many larger equivalents, so are many small things can be explained by bigger things and vice versa. You just have to find their similarities. God made them this way, to show they are his handiwork, and they could be truly beautiful in our eyes.
Many things are simple, though they may appear big in our eyes. Look at prime numbers. If you look at its list, you will find that no matter how large it is, it will only have 2 factors. Many things in life are like the prime numbers, they may come as too big to handle and very complicated for us, but when we examine their true essence, we will find their simplicity and easiness.
Look at the Cartesian coordinate system. A person is like a point in the graph. When solving problems, make sure to go and then stay at the point of origin, zero. Only when you are there that you can properly see the right side and the left side, the positives and the negatives, the right and wrong actions to take. The stronger your emotions are, the farther you are to the left side. What happens then is you may view your right as the positive when in fact, it is really still the negative because it is still on the left side of the graph, the left side of everything.
The state of a person is like integers. In the same way, if you're situation is on the negative side, you can get out of it by doing positive actions corresponding to it which will move you into the positive side of the situation. The same can be said in reverse. You can stay wherever you are and let others do something, or you can do something yourself. You always have power over your own integers. God gave it to you. So the choice is always yours.
Being in the same manner as integers, there will always be other people (number) better than you, and worse than you. More specifically, there is always something that you are better at more than anyone else, and something that you are inferior at. These things are unavoidable so don't be angry nor be envious over them, but strive to improve the things you think are necessary to make yourself a better person. And don't be full of pride either, as you never know what tomorrow's number is in store for you. A person can always add and subtract. With it, the potential to add great amounts is there. Only that the person is the one limiting himself.
Learning new ways to solve math problems is like walking on roads you've never entered before. The roads have always been there. They were just inaccessible because no one has yet to show you how to go through them. Now, if you enter such roads with interest and curiosity, you will readily notice the beautiful sceneries along the way, which in math are the pleasures of solving problems. This is how it is in real life too. Those who take new endeavors with positive outlook tends to be the same ones who are able to have the first glance at the good things in them, therefore becoming the first ones to be benefited also. Those who have fears initially, through subsequent experiences, should be able to banish their fears. In math, the more you practice solving the problems the more your fears dissipate, which then eventually lead to more enjoyable experiences for you. Through familiarization, be it in math, or in a new road, or in life, a persons fear eventually subsides. So one of the things solving math problems can teach us is to keep on learning until your fears are no more. The more you are able do it, the more your horizon will expand and the more you will go further in life in life as well. Also, when solving problems in life, try being calm and confident for a while. Remember the past problems you've solved and think of the new ones as mere good challenges.
A mind can easily forget itself or get lost while in the course of working on a problem or working on an objective. A sudden appearance of even a mild disorder in the thought current can make this happen. A good way of solving a problem can be liken to doing a permutation (more thorough) or combination (less), until all the possible good solutions have been known and the best one of them have been chosen. And since it takes place in the mind, where the elements are taken one at a time (nPr), when there is a sudden disorder, the mind can loose track and it has to begin somewhere else again. The mind can easily get trapped in the repetitive and time/energy consuming work of finding a solution where even the final result may not be a good one. So one of the best things to keep in mind when solving problems, be they short term or long term, is to write what you have gone so far, or much better, to make a plan as well. Have some anchor in the physical in which your mind can easily get back to when it wants to continue what it had been working on. Your chance of success will likely be more higher with this.
Deut 6:4 - "Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God, the LORD is one." This is a part of the "Shema," and the one that shows the true faith, as found in the Torah. It is very important, as can be seen in the tradition existing since the time of Moses. It tells us that there is only one God, and YHVH is His name. But it shows more than that. If we use a simple principle in "Probability," we will find out that it also shows us the perfection of God, and Him as the completion of all reality. In "Probability," the sample space can not be more than 1. The probability of all events should be 0.