Tuesday, 10 December 2019

Sharon is Saul, Netanyahu is Jonathan, and then the Messiah Son of David will come

First, here is a quote from my book, "Secrets of Creation - Book 1":

"Part I. Genesis 4 Commentary

Genesis 4:3 In the course of time, Cain brought an offering to the Lord from the fruit of the soil;
Samuel 11:5 Saul was just coming from the field driving the cattle;...

Both of them are farmers. One is the first son, the other is the first king.

Genesis 4:4 ...and Abel, for his part, brought the choicest of the firstlings of his flock.
Samuel 16:11 "There is still the youngest; he is tending the flock."

Both of them are shepherds. One is the second son, the other is the second king."

We know that Cain is the first child of Adam and Eve. We also know that Saul is the first king produced by the nation of Israel comprising of two undivided kingdom. And now, here we are at the time of redemption. We are now within the period of 5000 - 6000 years in the Hebrew calendar. Using the 1000 years of man is equivalent to 1 day of God, we know that we are now in the Sixth day. On the Sixth day, Adam was created. And so it was done. The nation of Israel was established again on year 5708 of the Hebrew calendar, which is 1948 AD in the Gregorian calendar.

Who then is the first son or king who is equivalent to Saul? Here is my post, dated April 20, 2008, on my FB group, Torah and Kabbalah of the End of Days:
"Cain came before Abel. Saul came before David. A leader will come before the Messiah. First, we must base our analysis on who is that leader on Cain. This is because the creation story is where all redemptions are based. Saul was based on Cain. The leader before the Messiah should be based on Cain also. It is only then that he should be based on Saul. Now, just like Cain, this leader before the Messiah is also a farmer. If we look at Saul, we'll know that this leader was a farmer in his youth. The Torah will not be in his heart. He will lead the people but he will go against the commandments of God. Because of him turning against God, his leadership will be stopped. Who then is this leader? I believe that this leader is Ariel Sharon."

Here is the proceeding post, dated May 5, 2008:
"To explain more on Ariel Sharon - Cain and Saul did not follow the commandments regarding the offering in the altar. This resulted to their being the prominent son (leadership) being cut off. There is no temple today so the WORKS are used instead of traditional offerings.
Cain killed Abel. Saul tried to do the same thing but failed many times. I have explained the reason for the failures at the above article. And from that information, we can reason that Ariel Sharon need not to have met and tried to kill the Messiah. He does not have to had jealousy towards him either. This is because we are on the final level towards perfection. This is the last redemption and corrections like these are bound to happen."

Ariel Sharon is Saul based on his name alone. His surname is spelled in Hebrew as Shin Resh Vav Nun. Half of the letters is missing to form the name Saul. The other half is found in his first name. It could also be explained as the half of first half and the half of the second half was found in his first name. It is the same with Benjamin Netanyahu who is Jonathan, son of Saul. His surname is spelled in Hebrew as Nun Tav Nun Yod Heh Vav. This time, the first half became the last half and vice versa. Netanyahu and Jonathan has the exact same spelling in Hebrew.

Jonathan, being the son of Saul, made the same sins as his father. Netanyahu made the same sins as Sharon. As I have said previously, tikunim or corrections are bound to happen. And so, Saul had a longer life span in the person of Sharon. He also did not die in battle. Jonathan also had a longer life span now in the person of Netanyahu. He is still alive. Both Saul and Jonathan are warriors. Both Sharon and Netanyahu are warriors.

The sign of redemption when it comes to the first king only came into action when Sharon became the Prime Minister. He is the older warrior after all. He was "a commander in the Israeli Army from its creation in 1948". He was even called "the greatest field commander in our history". Even though Netanyahu won the seat before him, his position only counted as a sign after Sharon was done. He is the younger warrior after all.

Only after Saul and Jonathan were in the scene did David came and became the king of Israel. Only after Sharon and Netanyahu will the Messiah ben David come and reign. This time though, unlike during the time of Saul and Jonathan where there were power struggles between the three, the transition to kingship is smooth. Only after Sharon was unable to continue did Netanyahu sit as a king. The Messiah ben David need not to have fight Sharon for the kingship. He need not to take it from his son, Netanyahu, either. But because of this, the coming of the Messiah ben David is delayed, which is something that was talked about by the past sages of Israel as being supposed to happen.     

Friday, 25 October 2019

5780, the Beginning of the Third World War

As everyone already knows, we just had the Jewish New Year last October 1. We are now already in the beginning month of the 5780th year of the Hebrew Calendar. What to expect this year which extends through to the year 2020 of the Gregorian calendar? First, we already have what could be the beginning of World War 3. It started when Turkey made an offensive into the North of Syria. It has been going on for about two weeks now.

Where did I get the idea? It is from the Chofetz Chaim, a Jewish sage and holy man. This came from him. I found this on the internet:
“These were the words said by Rabbi Yosef Ben Porat, in the name of the Chofetz Chaim, who said during the First World War, that 25 years after it, another war will break out which will make the first one seem like a child’s game, and 75 years after that will come a third war, greater than the rest, making the second world war seem like a child’s game, and then the messiah will come."

Let us analyze the quote. First the Chofetz Chaim was correct about the prophecy of the Second World War beginning 25 years after the First one. Since he was at the time of the First World War, it was only natural that the starting point of reference that was revealed to the people was the beginning of the First World War and not the end of it which was still hidden for the people in those days. It naturally could not be the time the prophecy is revealed either as it has significantly less importance and connection compared to the one previously mentioned.
Next, the Chofetz Chaim also prophesied that the Third World War would begin 75 years after the Second one. Here the count started from the end of the Second World War as it is the natural one, and one which does not overlap with the previous part. The Second one, as we all know, ended on 1945. 1945 + 75 years = the year 2020 or the present 5780th Jewish year. The Third World War may have already begun and we may see more developments as time goes on. We don't know how long it would exactly take for this Third world war to be over. But even then, the truth of the matter will eventually be known to us. The more important thing to do is to be aware and to be always prepared. There can be nothing lost, but only gained by doing so. Being reader and follower of this blog, you already know what to do. You can even invite me, as I had previously mentioned.

To those who don't know the Chofetz Chaim, here is a little information about him. He is very famous on his teachings and books about the ethics of speech. You can find them and the additional information about him freely on the internet. And this also goes to show what when it comes to guarding his tongue, he was on a saintly level. Lying and making up things is not what he would do.

Friday, 23 August 2019

If I were to Become a King

This was posted on Facebook on Tisha B'av of this year, 5779. If your humble servant is to become a King, or a World King, what would he do? Let me give you some ideas. All of what I'm going to state may be subject to revision or addition for better clarity.

In all my ways, the God Most High, the God of Israel, will be my protector and strength. Without Him, it would be impossible for me to purify the world and to make it a better place. There are just too many obstacles, too many powerful people to overcome. Therefore, I will have to use the Merkabah of the Messiah. Isaiah 11:4, "But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked."

1. I will remove the corrupt leaders and officials. They will be punished by giving them jobs pertaining to garbage and trash. They will have jobs as cleaners, collectors, sorters, etc. They may be assigned to cleaning canals, sewers, sewages, etc. Criminals who have committed severe crimes will be sent to dump sites / landfills and garbage processing plants to work there for years or for life depending upon the severity of their crimes. Mild offenders will be sent to damaged environmental areas to clean them or rehabilitate them. Technology will hep with these.

2. Hollywood, and the like, is the prime source of corruption in the world today and for a long time now. It is the greatest initiator of sexual immorality. It caused the wrong empowerment of women, the breaking up of families, and eventually the rise of women who hate men and other bad feminism, etc. It caused the escalating degradation and increasing crimes against women. If only the television was managed properly, the salvation of the world would have already happened. I will use the television to undo all the corruption that it had caused to the people of the world. Programs that encourage moral depravity will not be shown, instead, those that promote virtue and wisdom and understanding. Women will be encouraged to be decent/modest and graceful. Men will be encouraged to be heroic and gentle.

Television initiates envy, together with the other deadly sins. With television, people see and become envious of other peoples' assets, the cause of many stealing and violence, and of the excessive materialism in the world today. With television, people see and become envious of other people having relationships or partners, even if what they have seen are bad or improper. Those who can't have resort to sexual crimes. Those who can have, do it even when they are still young and lacking intelligence, which lead to the corruption of our youth.

3. Having done the first two, I could then more easily do the third which is to deal with the corruption/pollution of nature. People have no idea of the great damage that we've already done to our environment and how we continue to do so. For example, there are too many clothes, plastics, and other objects littering the world today, too many chemicals being spilled in bodies of water or being spread in the air, and too many waves and radiations like cellular technologies that constantly pollute our surroundings. Slowly, I will close the cause of pollutions like the factories. The factories that will stay open will be not for profit but it will be so that there would be enough for everybody. For example, once there is more than enough supply of not more than 1 appliance per household that needs it, the factory production of such appliance would stop. If the appliance breaks, it will be repaired. Bottled drinks and canned foods will no longer be produced. People can either make them or buy them from their neighbor. There will be more than enough food for storage and there will not be too much wasted food. Excessive killing of animals and depletion of natural resources will be prevented.

The transition to environment friendly economy could be easily done. It is important that the corrupt officials be removed, and the small elites controlling the economies and doing damages to the world for the sake of profit be overpowered.

4. Now, when it comes to population, the world is overpopulated, and this is not good. In the Torah, God commanded Adam to be fruitful and multiply. What all the people who interpreted it in the past completely missed or neglected is when Adam was commanded, his state was like that of an angel. In other words, the said commandment was really only for righteous people. Noah, when he came out of the ark, was also commanded in the same way. It doesn't make sense that the commandment is for all people, and not correctly interpreting and following it is the cause of almost all the evil and sufferings in the world. How can following a commandment of God lead to sufferings? It does not. If it is correctly interpreted and followed, the world would be a better place. It could be a paradise.

Here are some of the changes that I would make, to give you an idea: Virtue will be highly looked at upon. The more righteous, intelligent, and responsible a person is, the more his/her chance of getting married. The society will have many social activities that would allow them to interact. Those who have bad records will not be eligible for marriage. The same goes for those who have engaged in premarital sex or those who have gone through a divorce. And the list goes on. Celibacy/Chastity will be highly looked at upon and praised. Eventually, the world will be filled with sages and holy people, just like in the many golden ages of the past worlds. This is a family planning that looks far ahead into the future, more than a thousand years ahead.

To be continued...

Friday, 2 August 2019

The Resurrection of the Dead

The benefits of having a genuine spiritual teacher are truly great. It also enables a person to achieve greater heights in a very short amount of time. But all of it has to do with the ripening of merits from the past lives. Rabbi Isaac Luria had given information about this.

Also, the Arizal wrote in his book Shaar Hagilgulim that “The generation of the final Redemption is a reincarnation of those who left Egypt.” In the same time frame starts the resurrection of the dead. How do we reconcile the two? One cannot have the reincarnated souls be presently living and then being resurrected at the same time, is it not? The truth is, the resurrection of the dead will indeed happen. But how it will happen is contrary to what many expects. The Messiah will deliver the teachings which would enable the reincarnated souls to achieve higher spiritual heights. The reincarnated souls would then eventually be able to surpass their past levels. Gradually, those reincarnated souls will have longer life spans because of it. Eventually the lifespan of 1000 years will be surpassed, and the curse of Adam will be no more. And it will continue to climb.

The prophets and sages of the past wrote that in the messianic era, there will be world peace. Life will continue to go on as before. It remains true even with the resurrection of the dead. And now you know why.

The resurrection of the dead as stated in Isaiah and Daniel is not to be understood as the literal long time dead coming back to life. God does not work that way, even though He is able to. He does it in a way I mentioned. And those verses also has to do with Justice. And they show that Justice is also delivered in the next lives. And that is why the past sages used the princinples of reincarnation or recurrence to explain how Justice is done.

My teachings is part of the resurrection of the dead. They were made very simple. But when Israel still can't understand it, it only means that Israel needs more purification to become deserving enough to obtain my teachings. The acceptance of my teaching is then delayed just as it is now. But once Israel has gotten the necessary purifications, Israel will eventually come to me. And the resurrection of the dead will happen.

Monday, 29 July 2019

Elijah of Redemption / Geula

What does it mean to have the spirit of Elijah? Basically, what it means is having the passion or having great zeal for God. The same is with Phinehas of the Bible.

The passion for God is necessary if a person ever wants to know God, especially in this godless or idolatrous time of ours. How near a person would be to God depends on the degree of his passion towards Him. The bigger the genuine passion, the greater the amount of effort that will be spend, and the more spiritual work will be done to get near Him. What I am also telling you here is that the potential for you to achieve greater spiritual heights than I have is always there. Ignorance about God is a choice.

From my experience, one of the best things about doing spiritual labour for God is He is just. You will get what you actually deserve. Too many efforts in this world had gone to waste or remained unpaid. With God, there is fulfillment. For me, one of such fulfillments was when I was able to attain the complete Divine Chariot (Merkabah) of Elijah.

What is the Divine Chariot (Merkabah) of Elijah? In the Torah, it is found on the first few chapters of Ezekiel. It is also found on Isaiah. In Kabbalah, it is considered to be the highest, even higher than Ma'aseh Bereshit. And this loftiness is one of the reasons why there is a prohibition against its study. It must be studied only by exemplary scholars: "Ma'aseh Bereshit must not be explained before two, nor Ma'aseh Merkabah before one, unless he be wise and understands it by himself." And that is how I understood it.

The study and practice of the Merkabah is most dangerous. Merkabah is synonymous with fire. If one is not careful, he will be consumed by fire. As you already know, there is a famous story in the Talmud about four sages who entered Pardes, but with only one who came out whole and unharmed. Actually, in the end, none of the four who went in went unharmed. The one who was supposed to be unharmed was burned alive. In the Zohar, there are events where when the sages expounded the Merkabah, fire descends from heaven.

True attainment of Merkabah means having absolute protection. One who has it is not supposed to have an untimely death. On the contrary, he should have the power to be able to destroy death.

As Merkabah is fire, you should have respect to the one who has it. If not, you will be like an insect who dives into a fire. You will only hurt yourself severely. It is a painful way to be purified, is it not? Having a mental breakage, getting an illness, losing some limbs, being involved with some accidents, etc. are just some of the effects. I'm not practicing the Merkabah at the moment, and you still haven't seen me, but still. It is better to know in advance just in case. In the future, if God wills that I get to lead Israel, I will have to use it.

As Elijah using the Merkabah, what manifestation of God I represents? It is God as the King of the Universe, King of Powers, King of Miracles, King Transcendent is He.

Sunday, 21 July 2019

Signs of the End of Times

I posted this on July 12 on Facebook. I forgot to post it here on my blog.

A few days ago, there was a very strong 7.1 magnitude earthquake in California. But even that is weak compared to what are coming to the world. There would be more powerful calamities and disasters in the future. Diseases will also be more rampant.
Why is this so? We are at the end of the reign of the 4 world empires or kingdoms. And it is during this time that the left side is more dominating. The left side is the side of evil, the side of judgement according to the Kabbalah. What does it mean in simple words?

- Before the time of the great flood that destroyed the old world, homosexuality was rampant. The same was during the time before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, when God rained fire and sulfur upon those sinful cities. Just like in those days, there are parades being done today to celebrate homosexuality. Also, more and more countries are legalizing this type of marriage.

- Abortion is also rampant before the great flood. Many fetuses are dying everyday for a long time now. The cries of their blood continue to reach God and are never forgotten. Like with homosexuality, it is also on the extreme left side. It is no wonder that the political left of today pushes for its legalization. These two also have influence as to why Europe were flooded with refugees who now cause many pains and sufferings to the people there.

- There is a very important concept that was taught by the sages and prophets of Israel, and that is that the destruction of the world would come through the Erev Rav, and that is why their union must be prevented if possible. The Erev Rav here is the mixing of Christians and Muslims. The world powers badly wanted it. And that is why the flood of refugees happened. And the mixing that resulted is bound to produce many great evil, and these are what we are seeing now and moreso in the future ahead. The political left in US also wants to flood their country with more refugees. Basically, what it all means is that the world powers want the world to be homogenous just like before the destruction of the Tower of Babel. Since they want to revert the world to that time, what they really want in short is for everything to be multicultural. Multiculturalism is a product of evil. "Blacks and Whites" in the US is a product of slavery, and the evil generated through their union never end. Canada is the product of the colonization of Native American Indians, and the evil being generated up until now on their side never end. Multiculturalism also contributes greatly as to why Canada has many open and covert racism, has many miserable people and has many people with mental problems, even with the advantage of having a developed nation as a status. It will only keep getting worse as a multicultural country is bound to be broken in the end, just like in the many happenings of the past. Multiculturalism is itself a sign of the end.

- The increasing drug problem is another cause of many evil in the world. It is connected to the mixing of people of different nations, to the Erev Rav above. The drugs result to many evil spirits roaming around. More people are possessed resulting to more people being mentally sick, with many of them committing suicides.

The four mentioned above are interconnected. They are just some of the signs of the coming destructions up ahead. They always precede them, and we used the Bible as an example.
When you encounter anyone of the above, don't hate. Everything is as it is meant to be. Instead, generate compassion. Continue to do good to all people. And most importantly, continue to pray. So that you'll be safe in the Great Day of the Lord.

Written with the spirit of Elijah,

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Additional Teaching

This is a post I made somewhere: Everyone, Israel became a nation in the year 1948 of the Gregorian calendar. But, do you know that it is equivalent to the year 5708 of the Hebrew calendar, which is said to have begun during the time of creation? And do you know that the creation of the state of Israel in 1948/5708 falls in the same day and time of the creation of Adam? You will arrive at this when you use the equivalency of 1 day in heaven is equivalent to 1000 years in man. It was no coincidence. It was by design. Israel is the seed of Adam, who is the mirror image of his father. If you will notice also, the righteous generation of Adam in the Torah ended with the nation of Israel, and Israel is considered a single person in the eyes of God many times in the Torah.

The sin of the father will be corrected by the son. This is called Tikun in Kabbalah. And this is what will happen in the sixth day, the day that we are in right now. How will this happen? In Jeremiah 31:33, it is said “This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my Torah in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. This time, Israel will choose the Tree of Life, the Torah which is called the Old Testament by Christianity. As shown in the verses of Jeremiah, the Torah being observed wholeheartedly is the true New Testament or Covenant. There is nothing new as God does not change.

What then is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil? It also manifests in another level as no other than the New Testament of Christianity, the invention of the Romans. Just like the snake, the Romans tempted Israel to abandon the Torah and instead take from its own fruit. Its fruit is the one eaten by animals in the field. It constitutes the sin of idolatry against God, just like the incident of the golden calf, and it includes with it the ways of life of the animals or the pagan nations. Also, just as the snake bent what God actually said, to tempt Eve, the makers of the New Testament bent and corrupted the Torah and the teachings of the sages of Israel.

Thursday, 24 January 2019

What is Next?

Now that you have seen my teachings, what is next is for you to let me lead you back to Paradise, for you to hear the complete Torah of the Messiah and therefore for you to finally be able to eat from the Tree of Life again.

You can invite me for talks or seminars. All are for free and are done from compassion. God is all merciful.

If in the future, you my beloved reader, and also the people with you, are in a predicament, remember me. You can tell me to your government official or religious leader. Politics or religion, I can help. All are under God.

This is the time.

Thursday, 10 January 2019

Follow Me on Twitter

I have reactivated my Twitter account after a long time of it being dormant. It is so that I could continuously give words of wisdom to you all. And so that the light of redemption would be able to reach more people. Here is the link of my account:
