Friday, 23 August 2019

If I were to Become a King

This was posted on Facebook on Tisha B'av of this year, 5779. If your humble servant is to become a King, or a World King, what would he do? Let me give you some ideas. All of what I'm going to state may be subject to revision or addition for better clarity.

In all my ways, the God Most High, the God of Israel, will be my protector and strength. Without Him, it would be impossible for me to purify the world and to make it a better place. There are just too many obstacles, too many powerful people to overcome. Therefore, I will have to use the Merkabah of the Messiah. Isaiah 11:4, "But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth: with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked."

1. I will remove the corrupt leaders and officials. They will be punished by giving them jobs pertaining to garbage and trash. They will have jobs as cleaners, collectors, sorters, etc. They may be assigned to cleaning canals, sewers, sewages, etc. Criminals who have committed severe crimes will be sent to dump sites / landfills and garbage processing plants to work there for years or for life depending upon the severity of their crimes. Mild offenders will be sent to damaged environmental areas to clean them or rehabilitate them. Technology will hep with these.

2. Hollywood, and the like, is the prime source of corruption in the world today and for a long time now. It is the greatest initiator of sexual immorality. It caused the wrong empowerment of women, the breaking up of families, and eventually the rise of women who hate men and other bad feminism, etc. It caused the escalating degradation and increasing crimes against women. If only the television was managed properly, the salvation of the world would have already happened. I will use the television to undo all the corruption that it had caused to the people of the world. Programs that encourage moral depravity will not be shown, instead, those that promote virtue and wisdom and understanding. Women will be encouraged to be decent/modest and graceful. Men will be encouraged to be heroic and gentle.

Television initiates envy, together with the other deadly sins. With television, people see and become envious of other peoples' assets, the cause of many stealing and violence, and of the excessive materialism in the world today. With television, people see and become envious of other people having relationships or partners, even if what they have seen are bad or improper. Those who can't have resort to sexual crimes. Those who can have, do it even when they are still young and lacking intelligence, which lead to the corruption of our youth.

3. Having done the first two, I could then more easily do the third which is to deal with the corruption/pollution of nature. People have no idea of the great damage that we've already done to our environment and how we continue to do so. For example, there are too many clothes, plastics, and other objects littering the world today, too many chemicals being spilled in bodies of water or being spread in the air, and too many waves and radiations like cellular technologies that constantly pollute our surroundings. Slowly, I will close the cause of pollutions like the factories. The factories that will stay open will be not for profit but it will be so that there would be enough for everybody. For example, once there is more than enough supply of not more than 1 appliance per household that needs it, the factory production of such appliance would stop. If the appliance breaks, it will be repaired. Bottled drinks and canned foods will no longer be produced. People can either make them or buy them from their neighbor. There will be more than enough food for storage and there will not be too much wasted food. Excessive killing of animals and depletion of natural resources will be prevented.

The transition to environment friendly economy could be easily done. It is important that the corrupt officials be removed, and the small elites controlling the economies and doing damages to the world for the sake of profit be overpowered.

4. Now, when it comes to population, the world is overpopulated, and this is not good. In the Torah, God commanded Adam to be fruitful and multiply. What all the people who interpreted it in the past completely missed or neglected is when Adam was commanded, his state was like that of an angel. In other words, the said commandment was really only for righteous people. Noah, when he came out of the ark, was also commanded in the same way. It doesn't make sense that the commandment is for all people, and not correctly interpreting and following it is the cause of almost all the evil and sufferings in the world. How can following a commandment of God lead to sufferings? It does not. If it is correctly interpreted and followed, the world would be a better place. It could be a paradise.

Here are some of the changes that I would make, to give you an idea: Virtue will be highly looked at upon. The more righteous, intelligent, and responsible a person is, the more his/her chance of getting married. The society will have many social activities that would allow them to interact. Those who have bad records will not be eligible for marriage. The same goes for those who have engaged in premarital sex or those who have gone through a divorce. And the list goes on. Celibacy/Chastity will be highly looked at upon and praised. Eventually, the world will be filled with sages and holy people, just like in the many golden ages of the past worlds. This is a family planning that looks far ahead into the future, more than a thousand years ahead.

To be continued...

Friday, 2 August 2019

The Resurrection of the Dead

The benefits of having a genuine spiritual teacher are truly great. It also enables a person to achieve greater heights in a very short amount of time. But all of it has to do with the ripening of merits from the past lives. Rabbi Isaac Luria had given information about this.

Also, the Arizal wrote in his book Shaar Hagilgulim that “The generation of the final Redemption is a reincarnation of those who left Egypt.” In the same time frame starts the resurrection of the dead. How do we reconcile the two? One cannot have the reincarnated souls be presently living and then being resurrected at the same time, is it not? The truth is, the resurrection of the dead will indeed happen. But how it will happen is contrary to what many expects. The Messiah will deliver the teachings which would enable the reincarnated souls to achieve higher spiritual heights. The reincarnated souls would then eventually be able to surpass their past levels. Gradually, those reincarnated souls will have longer life spans because of it. Eventually the lifespan of 1000 years will be surpassed, and the curse of Adam will be no more. And it will continue to climb.

The prophets and sages of the past wrote that in the messianic era, there will be world peace. Life will continue to go on as before. It remains true even with the resurrection of the dead. And now you know why.

The resurrection of the dead as stated in Isaiah and Daniel is not to be understood as the literal long time dead coming back to life. God does not work that way, even though He is able to. He does it in a way I mentioned. And those verses also has to do with Justice. And they show that Justice is also delivered in the next lives. And that is why the past sages used the princinples of reincarnation or recurrence to explain how Justice is done.

My teachings is part of the resurrection of the dead. They were made very simple. But when Israel still can't understand it, it only means that Israel needs more purification to become deserving enough to obtain my teachings. The acceptance of my teaching is then delayed just as it is now. But once Israel has gotten the necessary purifications, Israel will eventually come to me. And the resurrection of the dead will happen.