This is a continuation of the previous post.
From the Zohar, VaYera 477: "Also, in the future redemption, when the Vav raises the Heh in the complete and great light, as it is written, “And the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun,” the count of this great light will appear first, and then the remembering."
The letter Vav, and there are two of them, raises the Heh into the complete and great light. How so? By adding the letter Aleph to it. The letter Heh, together with the letter Aleph has a gematria value of 6, same as the letter Vav. And thus, the light of the moon becomes as the light of the sun. With this, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is made complete. The count of great light has transpired, and so is the remembering. Next to appear is the Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is the letter Nun, which is also the Jewel that I have explained in other writings. The letter Nun is the Tree of Life in the level of Malchut or Kingdom. It is the Messiah King. Everything is therefore revealed in Wuhan, which is spelled in Hebrew as Vav Vav Heh Aleph Nun.
When the light of the moon becomes as great as the sun, it is because the moon covers the sun. There is a solar eclipse, like the one that happened last December 26, 2019. Counting and remembering transpired. When there is a solar eclipse, the corona or crown of the sun becomes visible. This is the appearance of the Messiah King. From below, which is the same as that of above, the sign is Wuhan and the coronavirus outbreak.
The Messiah is called "poor" because he is the moon or Nukva de ZA. Then he is raised up. This happens when his light is becoming as great as the sun during the solar eclipse. He eventually reaches the highest. This happens when the eclipse eventually achieves its totality and the complete corona becomes visible.
Vav, Vav is the first correction. The right line of Malchut is corrected with counting.
Heh, Aleph is the second correction. The left line of Malchut is corrected with remembering.
Nun is the third correction. The middle line of Malchut is corrected, "by which the Messiah Son of David will appear."
"And a blaze of black fire." It is the "Dinim/Judgments that came to the world by the illumination of the left." The Dinim are the wars awakened in the world by the burning of the Twin Tower on 9-11.
The Messiah, Son of Joseph is Ariel Sharon. His being in a coma by stroke on year 2006 was his fall. On that same year is the death by hanging of Saddam Hussein, the King of Babylon or modern day Iraq. Babylon is the first beast in the book of Daniel. Thus, two kings fell in the wars. One was that of Israel, and the other was that of the nations.
After the fall of the Messiah Son of Joseph is the intensification of the want of the nations to repel Israel from the world. It is being led by Persia or the modern day Iran. Media and Persia is the second beast in the book of Daniel. But, "He will be saved from it." This already happened to some degree with the past US sanctions against Iran and more recently with the assasination of Qasem Soleimani.
On the other hand, there is the debt crisis that happened to Greece. Added to it is the refugee crisis that is ongoing. The refugee crisis is an invasion of Arabs or Islam. Greece is the third beast in the book of Daniel.
The other parts of Europe, which was once known as the Roman Empire, are also being invaded by refugees. And lately there is the Brexit. Rome is the fourth and last beast in the book of Daniel.
See how the first two kingdom which is under Islam is overpowered by Christianity. See how the last two kingdom under Christianity is overpowered by Islam. And all of them are weakening. It is the work of the Almighty God, the God of Israel. Blessed be His name.
"At that time, all the souls will perish from the body." All of them will weaken and their force will run out." This is the coronavirus outbreak. It will further weaken the 4 kingdom mentioned above.
Next is the culmination of World War 3. World War 3 started this year but should not last more than 10 years. After which is the full appearance of the Messiah King.
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