Saturday, 2 May 2020

The Tree of Life For You - Updated

Now, it is about time. I'm now officially offering you all the Tree of Life. This Tree of Life has never been revealed before, though it already existed since the very beginning. How did it came to be given to me by God? It was given due to my search for a way to lift the spiritual level of the people of Israel to the highest level, for the Messianic age which is to come. It is a deliverer from sufferings and into happiness. It will also protect from whatever forms of fire, be it the fire from natural disasters like volcanic eruptions or earthquakes, be it the man made fire from bombs, missiles, guns, etc., and be it the fire from diseases and fever like the coronavirus. It will also be your strength.

With the Tree of Life, all of Israel who have it will be like David. To put it in another words, you as the recipient will be the same as the Messiah Son of David. And with me as your Teacher to guide you, you could attain levels beyond that of the past sages of Israel.

The procedure is simple. Have fear of God, and have humility, so that you can genuinely accept me as your Teacher. Then let me teach you the ways of God. You will then be able to raise yourself up spiritually in stages. You will gain more and more peace.

The Tree of Life that I will give to a person is for him/her alone. The same is with the teachings accompanying it. It is permissible though to have discussions among all the people who have received the Tree of Life from me. All of these is because the Tree of Life is most precious and holy.

To receive my teachings, you can join my newly made FB group, Messiah Rising. Here is the link:

By the way, I have removed the Tree of Life articles. You can find them and more inside the the FB group.

One step at a time towards Redemption.

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