Saturday, 6 February 2021

First Commentary on the Torah of the Messiah Part 1 - The Flaming Sword

Why is Abraham the first name? Because the lowest state of man was in Abraham's time, and Abraham was the first act of God for man to ascend. Abraham's time was the time of the Tower of Babel, when man united in defiance against God. It was a time of idolatry and arrogance, killing, homosexuality (remember Sodom and Gomorrah), sexual immorality, and many other sins. Abraham was outside the land of Israel. Therefore, what Abraham had is exactly the same as what we have today. Today is still part of the last and final exile of the Jews in which the dominant powers are Christianity and Islam. Both are religion made by man in defiance against God and His anointed Israel. Rome destroyed the Second Temple and invented Christianity afterwards. Islam then built the abomination that makes desolate, the Dome of the Rock, at the location of the Second Temple. Today, the nations also keep trying to unite themselves. English had already been made the international language for quite a while now. And today, injustice, abortion, homosexuality, sexual immorality, and many other sins are also running rampant. One must leave all of these, to become like Abraham. One must then continue to rise up until the level of the Torah of Moses is achieved. Only after the Torah of Moses was given at Mt. Sinai and the Jews observed it that they were able to enter the Holy Land and have rest there. Only after the Torah of Moses is achieved will one be able to rest in God, and be able to be truly be saved. The NEW COVENANT as mentioned in Jeremiah 31:31-34 is nothing but the writing of the Torah of Moses into the Heart of Israel. Once written into his Heart, it will never be lost again. And that is why there will never be another exile for Israel again. And that is also why Israel will then  be able to assume his role as the Messiah King, and save the world. There was never any need to worship the invented man-god of Christianity. His NEW COVENANT is FALSE. The Messiah has always been present in Israel. It has always been present in each of us. And all we need to do is repent/return and rest, to get it to appear. 

I've mentioned the Tower of Babel. God destroyed it and scattered the people. The same is also happening today. Through the coronavirus, a great mass of world wealth has disappeared. The unity of the world in terms of business, travel, tourism, etc. has also been broken. The people of world now scatter and distance themselves from one another. Really, there is no better time to become like Abraham than it is today. Today is the best time to start ascending spiritually.

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